On moving files sometimes especially unto a destination NTFS partition, I realised some of the files moved are ghosted. I investigated and discovered this is due to incomplete copy operation. In my situation, the copy process probably did not clean up successfully after the copy. Why will this happen? I already lost files to this previously as I am left with no choice but to delete such files.
This time I had to make sure these files these files are recovered. On googl(e)ing, I learn about undisplayed file attributes of Unix and Mac files. Also learn that tools like RixStep ACP XFiles tools help with controlling such attributes. A single use license cost about $59.
Later I learn about the SetFile tool bundled with the XCode tools. An accompanying GetFileInfo tool will give
$ GetFileInfo [file name]

this is what's shown for Normal files. In my case I had "brok" as type and "MACS" as creator.
This can be corrected by using Send File as below
$ SetFile -c "" -t "" [file name]
Knowing myself not to be able to remember this months down the line, I added this to my .profile file under the unghostfile alias.
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